On Friday, a cluster of Greenville Police vehicles were spotted outside of the Poinsett Highway entrance to Furman University. This raised initial speculation amongst the campus community that there was another car crash at the entrance to Furman. However, a new report from Greenville Police Insider has revealed what really happened: they were having a secret pizza party.
The Horse was unable to find additional information about this specific pizza party, but we learned that exclusive pizza parties have been a long-time secret of the Greenville Police. According to longtime Greenville police officer Jenny Fraizer, “The Greenville Police Department has been spending revenue from parking tickets since the late 80s, but they only invite members of the inner police circle. It makes me livid that they are excluding so many people from enjoying pizza.” Fraizer shared that she is not a member of the inner circle despite over 30 years of service to the Greenville community. She later said, “I am so happy that a respectable news organization is finally reporting on this scandal. It’s about time that they start including all members of the department.”
Fraizer asks that members of the Grenville community support her petition to require revenue from parking infractions be spent on pizza parties for the entire department. She is hoping to receive at least 6,900 signatures by the end of the month. Sign her petition here.