The Works’ Best Work
The Music Department’s Response to “Black @ Furman” Instagram PostsReilly Murtaugh covers the Furman Music Department’s response to 2020 Instagram posts alleging racial bias and misconduct within the division. Beyond being well-written, Murtaugh’s article is also a light of hope for students as it shows that, when prompted, administrators can be responsive to student concerns.
We Don’t Play Like We Used ToEver wonder what life was like at Furman in the 70s, 80s, and 90s? Nath Kapoor did, which is why he took a trip down memory lane to learn about campus life oh so many years ago. And what did he find? That Furman used to play…hard. Kapoor’s article is historically intriguing but also psychologically captivating, as it poses an important question: Why did Furman lose its love of fun, and can we bring it back?
The 5 Ws
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why You Need to Know
The cast of Chicago. For those who remember the spectacular that was this fall’s rendition of Rocky Horror Show, get ready for another big hit — the Pauper Players
are at it again! With shows Friday and Saturday night as well as Sunday afternoon, there are plenty of options to catch this timeless classic….fun factoid, Chicago is America’s longest running musical ever. Means it must be good, right?!
Dancing, singing, comedy, and drama await audiences in this all-Furman production, so don’t miss out! Tickets are available here and are open to all Furman community members, so bring your friends, your classmates, or that random student you met at Conley’s last weekend #ValentinesDate
For those of you who took my advice and went to Jams and Jammies last week (kudos FUSAB, that was really fun), you likely heard Kiki + The Lobster And if you didn’t, you missed out — they were great. With Miles Baker (’24) on lead bass guitar, this 5-piece, indie folk band really rocked out.
Between the keyboard player’s smooth rendition of Tennessee Whiskey and the group-wide sing-along that accompanied Wagon Wheel, their set reminded everyone there why live music was dearly missed during the pandemic — and why we are all so excited that it’s back
But Kiki + The Lobster wasn’t the only band that captivated audiences on Wednesday. FUTones; Kenna Braeuner; Madigan Roxberry, Rohan Halloran, & Virginia; and a yet-to-be-named new band with Will Foster, Coley Brown, Adrian Gonzalez, Will Adams, and Josh Woodfin, all put on fantastic performances. Basically, Furman has a lot of talent, and FUSAB had a lot of snacks, so anyone who came was one happy camper
Furman Super Bowl Alumni? Yeah, I was shocked too. Probably because….well….I’ll just say it’s unsurprising how surprised people were to hear that not one but two NFL-quality football players once wore a Paladin jersey #yikes Having thrown that non-subtle shade, can we talk about Stanford Jennings ’84 and Sam Wyche ’65?? These former-Paladins were both key factors in the Bengals last Super Bowl appearance, Super Bowl XXIII (1989)
Wyche, who was quarterback for Furman between 1963-65 (Wyche was also a KA while here, which explains why he hasn’t been showering Furman with the if you catch my drift), was Head Coach of the Bengals in ’89…I’m sure he felt absolutely no pressure in that situation, right?
Jennings, meanwhile, was making power moves on the field. Huge moves, mind you, as Jennings recorded an amazo 93-yard kickoff return that has since gone down in history as his “oh my” moment. That’s pretty freakin’ cool if you ask me. And while neither walked away with some finger bling, Jennings and Wyche certainly deserve #FurmanLegend status. Who knows, maybe I’ll pull for the Bengals now…I have always loved tigers
Green River Narrows For those looking to get outside the #basic Table Rock/Jones Gap cycle, Green River Narrows is a great hike in a great area. A total of 3 miles roundtrip, it’s the perfect length for an afternoon trip or morning trek, whatever suits your fancy (and wake-up time). Most of the trail is fairly moderate, with wonderful sloping paths making up a significant portion of the journey’s mileage.
However, the section that leads down to the narrows is not for the faint of heart
The descent to the river is steep and only passable using trailside ropes and hand-over-hand climbing. However, if belaying backwards doesn’t bother you, or if it does and you’ve been looking to face your fears #GoYou, this is the hike for you. Just be sure to wear grippy shoes
And once you’re done hiking, be sure to check out Flat Rock or Hendersonville for some good eats post-hike — after all, gotta re-fuel! My personal recommendation: Mountain Deli in Hendersonville. Their slogan, “It Just Tastes Better Up Here,” pretty much sums it up. An all around 5- establishment, their Pesto Chicken Salad is an absolute lip-smacker, especially when enjoyed on their beautiful patio #CovidWho? And after chowing down, enjoy a stroll around Hendersonville or pop on up to Asheville. The possibilities are endless!
12pm next Saturday, there awaits an event perhaps more important than the Super Bowl, likely more storied than Rocky’s defeat of Apollo Creed, and definitely more important than anything you have to do that weekend. That’s right, Furman Fans, it’s Wofford Weekend at The Well
Aka Furman’s arch-nemesis, the Wofford Terriers BOO will be sauntering over to GVL to face our men’s basketball team for the second time this season. The two teams met earlier this winter and, for the first time in 11 years, Furman handed the Terriers a butt-kicking on their home court. So yeah, they’ll be looking for revenge. Which means the Paladins will need our loud and proud support on Saturday — in other words, show up and show out, its time to rumble
For those looking to get HYPED beforehand, check out Mike Bothwell’s insane dunk that made ESPN’s Top 10 Plays — it was #3. Yeah. And if that’s not impressive enough for you, think of the last time you tried to shoot a paper ball into the trash can from 2 feet away and missed Perspective.