The Works’ Best Work
SGA Petition Is MisguidedPrice St. Clair provides a comprehensive take on the technological debate that has been, well, Zooming around campus lately. Interestingly, Price provides an argument somewhat contradictory to that featured in Scotty Bryan’s earlier article, so for those seeking to understand the spectrum of beliefs underpinning this issue Price’s article is a must-read.
Professional Bull Riding Comes to GreenvilleBelieve it or not, bull riding isn’t just for drunken nights in Nashville It’s an actual sport, and it came to GVL last weekend. Read all about this dangerous and daring activity in Scotty Bryan’s latest article. Who knows, it might convert you into a rabid rodeo fan…or make you question the state of American entertainment today
Reader’s choice.
The 5 W’S
The Who, What, When, Where, and Why You Need to Know
Bethany Graham. To be fair, it’s hard to keep an on this girl because she’s so d@mn fast, but Furman and nationwide cross-country fans alike have tried their very best to do so. The Paladin recently sat down with Graham to discuss all things running, Furman, Greenville and beyond and, let me just say, being the one who was able to sit down with Graham was a true pleasure. Energetic and lively, Graham proved that student-athletes at Furman, while unique in so many ways, are just like you and me in others. Plus, most of them love Tandem too
Interested in learning what it takes to be an All-American or where to get the best coffee in Greenville? Graham has you covered on all fronts, so be sure to check out her full feature for the inside scoop. Oh, and if you happen to see her or her #GirlGang teammates running around campus, be sure to cheer them on…that is, for the millisecond they’re near your before they speed past
Netflix et chill? That’s Netflix and chill in French for those of you who obviously haven’t watched enough Emily in Paris yet #loser. But for most of you I’m sure that translation was a piece of cake, as this show is captivating audiences all over campus. Perhaps Furman students have caught a travel bug and find the show a way to live out their adventurer lives through a screen, because let’s be honest, who doesn’t want a croissant from France? But my bet is actually something different — I think this relatively un-upsetting, eye-pleasing, fanciful French series is making headlines due to the reprieve it provides us from, well, what seems like everything at the moment. Hey, no shame in disassociation, and absolutely zero shame in disassociation while drinking French wine
But, for those of you who do feel that travel urge kicking in, we’ve also been tuning into the many study abroad
events the Rinker Center has been hosting. Applications close soon (this Monday for certain programs) so hop, skip, and jump on over to the study abroad website to check out the options…I’m so nice I even linked it for you. Just think, maybe next year it won’t be Emily in Pairs but rather You in Paris
, though I gotta admit that just doesn’t have quite the same ring…
#ShamelessPlug alert, but did anyone else do a full-on, whip-lash-inducing double take when they learned about Furman’s newest isolation policies? Very few on-campus spaces, no meal delivery, and no medical assistance. Yeah, that seems like a ~great~ situation to be stuck in for at least 5 days.
A lot of students have been surprised to learn about these updated policies, probably because administrators have been very squirrely in coming forward with this information. In fact, they’re acting just like us students do when the teacher asks us to talk about a chapter we didn’t read, so we spend the next 10 minutes spewing the most general fluff we can think of without mentioning one iota of substantial or relevant information.
Plus, the little information Furman has willingly revealed to students is pretty contradictory and convoluted, leading me to wonder if they truly have any concrete policies at all. Basically, Furman can and should do better. Yes, I know Omnicron is lessening #partytime, but who the heck knows what is coming down the pike and, being full years into life with covid (groan), Furman should know the importance of having contingency plans.
Oh, totally unrelated wink wink, anyone want to go-in on an Airbnb in GVL soon?
I love a good sandwich. I could make an entire newsletter about why sandwiches are the most underrated food, but I won’t, because I can just make my point here instead Any who, I will travel far and wide for a worthy sandwich — I will even brave Woodruff Road on a Saturday for an amazing sandwich, which is exactly what me and my favorite restaurant buddy did this past weekend. But boy oh boy, was this meal worth the traffic
I present, Midtown Deli. While nothing flashy from the outside, this spot is a #booming establishment with lines often out the door. But don’t be dissuaded, the crowds move super quickly, the food comes out promptly, and, after having your first bight, will probably disappear speedily too….once you get that first taste, there’s no time for chit-chat
The best thing about Midtown is their HUGE menu…like, ginormous. You can get wraps, sandwiches, baked potatoes, salads, soups — they even have a burger But honestly, you gotta go for the handhelds. My favorite (pictured below) is the Fiesta on Rye, but with a menu as comprehensive as their’s the possibilities are endless. And if you’re like me and take a friend, get two different items and swap halves ↔Or just ditch the friend and order two yourself. You do you.
Slumber party time That’s right boys and girls, grab your hippest jammies and that R-rated movie mom and dad never let you watch, we’re headed to the cool kid’s house
JK about the movie, but do get your PJs ready because this Wednesday from 7-9pm FUSAB is hosting Jams and Jammies. The poster speaks for itself in convincing you to go — between live music, food, and cozy blankets, where else would you rather be?? Catch me there embracing all the hyggee (look it up) and hitting people randomly with pillows like every single movie seems to suggest happens at all-female sleepovers
….makes me wonder what guys do at these sorts of things. Come Wednesday and maybe we’ll find out!
P.S. Wednesday is also Groundhog Day, the most confusing holiday of the entire year. But I’ll take any excuse to celebrate, as will the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club (est. 1887) apparently, for the videos on their website show they go hard on this holy day If you’re like them and simply cannot wait one more second until the big event, they have a countdown all set up for you — and souvenirs to boot!
And that’s a wrap (or a sandwich)! See you in two weeks — until then, stay snazzy.
Also, it’s my Mom’s birthday today and, given she’s probably the only one who has made it this far, I’m gonna shout her out real quick.
Happy Birthday Mom, You Rule