Courtesy of Furman Athletics
I began writing articles for the Opinions section of the Paladin during my sophomore year. I was struggling to occupy myself in that first semester and wanted to branch out and find students like myself who opted against joining a Greek organization. I wrote articles each week and interviewed for the News Editor position for my Junior year. I received the position, and then learned the behind-the-scenes of the paper and continued to close in on my goal of becoming Opinions Editor.
When senior year came around, I jumped at the chance to swap sections. I found Opinions to be the section that interested me the most as a writer and as an editor. What intrigues me is that there is always something to write about—something that someone feels strongly enough about to put into writing.
Being a part of an organization on campus provided the opportunity for me to connect with people I might not have crossed paths with otherwise. After I started writing more, I declared an English major and shortly after added a Philosophy major. My philosophy courses have always encouraged me to think deeper and grapple with challenging topics, and this is something that has positively affected my own Opinions articles as well.
I also found that being involved in the newspaper helped me to stay up to date on world news. It is essential, especially in these unstable times, to be aware of what is happening outside of our own lives. There are things that are bigger than us and we need to be aware of how the world is changing. On a smaller level, you cannot properly have or share your opinions if you fail to first educate yourself on the facts.
Furman’s bubble popped early for our class. We will always be the year that didn’t get to say goodbye, but two months more would not have changed the connections we made and the people we have grown into. It is okay to be disappointed, and we should feel cheated. However, there are things that are out of our control and it is in our best interest to make the most of our predicament.
It’s all about the big picture. I think that’s what I have eventually learned in the years I was privileged to have as a college student. Some friendships are not going to last, and that’s okay. But others will, and those are the people who will stick by you. College helps you sift through the good and bad parts of yourself. It’s one of the only times where a wild stage is acceptable and encouraged, and you can and should try anything that interests you. It is a safe place where you are supported by people who share your fear of the ‘real world.’ The real world came early for the class of 2020, and as much as we want to resist that reality, we are well-prepared for it.