Courtesy of Furman Athletics
As I am sure it is the same for many students, it is hard to return home after being away at school for so long. Not only adjusting to online class, but also adjusting to living with parents again after having independence at school. It has also been difficult adjusting to being away from college friends who we are used to being around every day. Staying safe seems to be the main option during these times.
At home, it has been extremely difficult to find motivation to go about my daily routine, like staying on top of tasks and working out. For me, I have to try to wake up at a decent time so I can get things done. I know for myself and many others, the sleep schedule has been completely thrown off. It seems like you have all this free time when in reality you do not. There seem to be many pros and cons of online classes.
One positive aspect may be the adjusted syllabi for the classes. There seem to be fewer assignments and not as much pressure from most professors. Two of my classes have canceled the final exam and we have a project or essays instead. It also seems that Furman is trying to honor internships and summer jobs remotely because most students do not have any form of income during this time. If you can work, it is important to stay safe.
One negative element is being away from friends and your home for nine months out of the year. I am sure many of us have gotten used to being on campus and having our independence. I know I would rather go to my classes in person than do them online. I also had to change my calendar which threw me off as well. It will be hard not being able to study in the library or get food with friends after class, even though the food is questionable at times. It will also be weird not being able to go out with friends on the weekends.
The government just passed a two trillion dollar relief bill that is supposed to help people, hospitals, and small businesses. They are also giving people who qualify $1200 a month and $500 for people under 18 which does not help college students, but does help our parents and people who desperately need it. It seems that things are beginning to clear up in China after they had months of lockdown, so I believe that is a good sign that things will get better. It is important to stay healthy and to try to look for the positive things as possible during this unpredictable time.