Furman Pauper Players performed hit broadway musical A Chorus Line last weekend as their 2019 Spring production. Based off a novel by James Kirkwood and Nicholas Dante, A Chorus Line was a hit broadway musical that premiered in Shubert Theatre in July 1975. The show details the story of a group of dancers auditioning for the chorus line of a Broadway musical. The show’s music was written by Marvin Hamlisch. The show is the 7th longest running Broadway show ever.
A Chorus Line is a single act show performed without an intermission. The show begins at an audition for the chorus line of a Broadway musical. The show’s director narrows down the dancers to just 17 and then reveals that he only needs four women and four men for the final chorus line. The rest of the show details the trials and tribulations involved as the dancers struggle to get a position in the chorus line.
Throughout the show, the dancers have ups and downs as they compete for the coveted eight spots on the chorus line. Chaos and drama ensue with musical numbers to back it all up, but by the end the show feels not like a competition but rather a conclusive ending, each character ending up where they belong. The cast is decided and the show feels to be over. But then comes the final dance number. The entire cast reappears in shiny matching costumes and dances together in perfect unison one last time to send the audience off.
Pauper Players is Furman’s student run musical theatre group. In addition to this Spring’s show, Pauper Players typically performs a Fall show along with one Cabaret show per semester.
The group is run by a council of elected students. This year the groups council consists of Ashley Hall, Kayla Wong, Carter Gravitt, Izzy Wildgen, Michael Foley, Katherine Valliant, Hunter Ditsch, Matt Middleton, Katie Jennison, and Abbie Schlichtmann. The director and choreographer of the show was Eileen Joseph while the Music Director was Katie Jennison. Becca Hearn was the stage manager for the show.
The cast of the show ranged from freshman to seniors with a wide span of experience and background with musical theatre. When asked about her experience with the show, Maddie Underwood (Kristine Ulrich) said “A Chorus Line is so different from any show I’ve been in and because of the blunt emotion and hilarity it offers, it has been such a rewarding experience.” A Chorus Line definitely doesn’t fit into the typically shell of a broadway musical, making it not only unique to participate in but also unique to watch.
In regards to the show, Michael Bennet said it best, “This show is dedicated to anyone who has ever danced in a chorus or marched in step… anywhere.”