Last week, two Furman students were able to help the Furman Police Department arrest people responsible for a series of thefts from motor vehicles on campus.
Two students were walking back to their apartment and observed suspicious behavior. They called FUPO and helped the police chase down and arrest one of the people involved.
The following two days, Officers David Enter and Marty Klapp pulled an 18-hour day and then a 23-hour day to solve the case. According to Chief Tom Saccenti, the two officers came in at 8 a.m. and worked till they exhausted every lead.
They found three other people involved, issued search warrants on two homes, issued 12 total arrest warrants, and recovered almost all the stolen property, including video equipment loaned out from the Communications Department, among other things. None of the people involved in the thefts were Furman students.
Saccenti also noted that every vehicle that was stolen from was unlocked.
“What we loved about the case was that students called us,” said Saccenti. “If our community members had not called us, it would have been very difficult to solve this case.”