Welcome to all of the members of the Furman family — new and returning students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, coaches — as a new academic year in the life of Furman University begins. As in nearly all beginnings, there are things familiar and unchanged and things unfamiliar but full of opportunity. Let’s start with what you, the students, might notice as new or different upon your return.
First, just after commencement exercises President Rodney Smolla announced his resignation, and the trustees appointed me as the interim president. As an alumnus (’65, chemistry) and the parent of an alumnus (’84), I am excited yet humbled by the opportunity to give back to my alma mater in this unexpected yet special way. I can assure you that I have Furman’s future and best interests in mind, and that I am not a mere “caretaker” but a person who is devoted to ensuring Furman’s leadership as an institution of quality. To that end, I met with Student Government Association President Brian Boda the third day following the announcement and sought his counsel about ways that I could meaningfully interact with students to hear your ideas and to share mine. He has quite an agenda for me, and I look forward to working closely with him and other student leaders this year.
My wife Lynne and I have also played “Undercover Boss” and joined several of the summer tours for visiting prospective students and families. We both agree — we would still want to enroll at Furman.
Second is the fabulous reconfiguration of the Trone Student Center. The completion of the first floor and exterior venues includes the “Paddock,” a restaurant that includes the serving of alcoholic beverages consistent with our University policy and which complements the other dining services on campus. The Trone Student Center will now also serve as the destination for all Student Life opportunities, providing one-stop shopping ranging from the Cothran Center for Vocational Reflection, the Rinker Center for Study Away and International Education, and Career Services, Internships and Student Life offices to student government, clubs and organizations and the Heller Service Corps. It’s also a great place to just hang out with friends. And returning students will find the old-fashioned mailroom and mailboxes have been supplanted by an entirely new “electronic alert” system that is more cost- and time-efficient for students and staff and which provided more room for the expansion.
Third is Furman’s commitment to help you begin applying your academic experiences in the “real world” through expanded internship and research opportunities. One of the most significant of these is an impending relationship with the Greenville Health System (GHS), which has designated Furman as its undergraduate partner (joining Clemson and USC as research and medical instruction partners, respectively). This partnership will provide many new and developing opportunities for internships across the spectrum of health care, from hospital administration to clinical experiences, that will be a useful resource for those aspiring to a career in the medical field.
Fourth, the football field house is in its last stages of construction and will not likely be completed for the start of the season — but not to worry, we will all get to say, “Go Paladins!” Sept. 14 at our first home game and the first game on the new artificial turf under the direction of Coach Bruce Fowler; that day has also been designated as “Paladin Rising,” and a surprise halftime presentation is being planned. Men’s lacrosse will take the field next spring to open their first season as Paladins, and of course our wonderful coaches of men’s and women’s soccer, tennis, golf, and cross-country will all be leading their respective teams to victories one after the other this fall.
Finally, I speak for everyone here in welcoming an accomplished freshman class representing 40 states and 21 foreign countries. You are class presidents and valedictorians, talented athletes, musicians, actors, and artists, aspiring poets and scientists in training, committed community servants and leaders — in short, you are among the best of the best. We are richly blessed to have you as part of our academic community, and we look forward with anticipation to the many contributions you will surely make to Furman.
Turning to the familiar, everyone, new or returning, can look forward to our Furman brand of academic rigor and the excitement (and perhaps a bit of the usual stress) of learning from our wonderful faculty who are dedicated to ensuring that each of you are as successful as possible. Our “Learning Success Center,” housed in the Duke Library and available to students, staff, and faculty alike, is almost unique in its span of experience and technology meant to further the success of each person. Finally, and thankfully, is the familiar beauty of the campus — the result of the hands of many, many people who take pride in Furman and in their work as a testament to God’s gift of beauty to all of us.
Have a great year!