Courtesy of Furman Athletics
Living a healthy college lifestyle is a challenge. Between friends, parties, and that liberal arts education, finding time to think about healthy choices can seem nearly impossible. The key is to start early. Develop habits at the beginning of the year that will carry through the rest of your time at Furman and hopefully into your post-grad life.
1. Fuel your body right. While the occasional burger and fries won’t kill you, it will make you more sluggish if enjoyed frequently. Ultimately, what you put in is what you will get out. A balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein will give you the energy and alertness necessary to succeed at Furman and beyond.
2. Manage your stress. Face it, we’ve all let obligations build up until we just have to explode. It’s incredible how much a few deep breaths or a short walk help calm the nerves. Besides the obvious impact on your own health, overwhelming stress has negative effects on your personal relationships and self-esteem. A little stress makes us productive, but don’t let it get out of control. If you feel like you can’t handle the pressure on your own, go talk to the Counseling Center. Asking for help is not weakness—it’s the ultimate form of strength.
3. Get your exercise. Even finding twenty minutes to play basketball with some friends will relieve anxiety, foster relationships, and increase your productivity. Being active is one of the best things you can do for yourself, physically and mentally. Besides helping you look and feel awesome, working out gives your brain the break it needs to actually work better. The Physical Activities Center is a great place to sweat it out for a few minutes. And it’s free! Furman also has incredible paths to explore, outdoor athletic courts, and the Swamp Rabbit Trail right out back.
4. Get your sleep. It’s so cliché, but getting enough sleep really does improve everything about college life. You have more energy for the things you want and need to do. Sleep improves your ability to concentrate and your mood, and even boosts your metabolism. Basically, sleep is the cure for just about anything. That doesn’t mean you have to get eight hours every single night. In fact, that might be impossible. But that does mean that getting an extra hour of sleep might be smarter than watching that extra episode of your favorite TV show… Unless it’s Duck Dynasty. Then by all means, keep streaming Hulu.
It’s always a little scary coming back into the college world after being away for a few months, but by living a healthy lifestyle and maintaining it throughout your years at Furman, you will live your collegiate life to the fullest.