Courtesy of Furman Athletics
On April 20 every year, people across the nation celebrate what has become a drug holiday.
This tends to be the case, especially on college campuses where young adults will partake in the use of illegal drugs such as marijuana. Furman has a different reputation though.
According to Furman University Police Lieutenant David Enter there has been “no reason for any extra preparations” and that a drug or crime increase on campus has not been associated with any holiday.
Last year, the holiday fell on the same day that FUSAB hosted their Spring Concert, and there was some drug use at the concert. Enter joked that “this year it falls on Earth Day.”
This apparent lack of celebration of the holiday could be attributed to Furman’s socially conservative nature.
On the college ranking website College Prowler, Furman received a B rating in terms of drug safety with the most drug use being attributed to “study drugs” or alcohol.
Overall this holiday seems to have little traction on campus as Enter showed little concern over the date.