Courtesy of Furman Athletics
It is a Friday, or even a Thursday night and the opportunities are endless for nightlife activity. Maybe you take a walk around the lake to get the blood flowing, or you decide to hang out in the Gauntlet with all of your besties. But really, what does one do on a Friday night at Furman? There are a few options that come into mind when pondering what to do.
Go to dinner downtown at the same old haunts—Chicora Alley, TakoSushi, Mellow Mushroom—or dine on some fine Italian cuisine at Trio. If you have a sweet tooth post dinner you can go to Spill the Beans or Marble Slab; however, be weary because the line may be out the door to North Carolina.
So you have eaten a big chicken dinner, and now it is time to hit up Tassie’s only to realize that every single person there goes to Furman, and you storm out in a fit of rage. Then you go to Corner Pocket and come to the conclusion that you know every single person in the room.
Maybe downtown Greenville is not your scene, and you’d rather go to Poinsett Highway and hit up the Barn to sing some show tunes. This also poses a dilemma because the townie to Furman student ratio is a cause of concern. Don’t get us wrong, we love the Barn. However as soon as we get on stage to belt it out to “Survivor” by Destiny’s Child, the whole place clears out. I guess our performance is not up to par with Beyonce’s Super Bowl Halftime show.
While these activities do certainly provide entertainment, there are still a few other options for a fun Friday night.
Maybe you like to hang out in North Village and mingle with some friends in their uniquely decorated apartments.
The last and final aspect of Furman nightlife is the fraternity houses located a few miles off campus. Sometimes theses festivities give you the opportunity to dress up in costume. Other times, fraternities will host parties at downtown venues, which are always made more interesting when townies are in attendance.
Some would say that the best nights out end in a late night trip to Cookout where you can choose from the plethora of milkshake and southern-fried food options. As the eloquent Ke$ha would put it, “tik tok on the clock, but the party don’t stop” here in good ‘ole G-vegas, baby.