Want to see a thought-provoking play? Furman University Theatre is presenting Doubt, A Parable early this month. This production is a drama that showcases the question of whether Father Flynn is guilty of inappropriate behavior after he grows uncomfortably close to a troubled boy. Sister Aloysius is certain of his guilt, and their conflict forces one of them to leave the Catholic Church they both care about. The play forces playgoers to question their judgments and convictions about others.
Featured are senior Caroline Davis as Sister Aloysius Beauvier, Kevin Treu (faculty member and guest artist) as Father Brendan Flynn, freshman Lizzie Dockery as Sister James, and freshman Regina Wells as Mrs. Muller. Wells expressed how “talented and dedicated” these actors are.
Dockery can’t hold in her excitement. She said that Doubt “is a fantastic show about what happens when personal conviction meets inner conflict. Each of the characters brings powerful determination to the show while at the same time pushing through or grappling with their doubts.”
Treu said he expected the audience to engage in “interesting discussions on the walk or drive home, along the lines of ‘did he or didn’t he?’, and whether or not Sister Aloysius acted appropriately.”
Tickets prices are $16 for general admission, $13 for seniors, and $8 for students. But, keep your eye out for deals and promotions going around campus! The play will run Feb. 7-16 at the Furman Playhouse.