Courtesy of Furman Athletics
Mrs. Christine “Cricket” Wehunt, a Furman Dining Hall employee, passed away on September 27, 2011. Born and raised in Greenville, SC, Mrs. Christine had a son who attended Furman and three grandsons whom she adored. She was actively involved with her church, Berea First Baptist, and was well known for her generous and selfless spirit.
That same kind and selfless spirit made Mrs. Christine a meaningful part of the Furman community. She formed relationships with students and staff alike, and those fortunate enough to know her recall how great an impact she had on their lives.
“I loved Mrs. Christine so much,” said sophomore Alexandra Cross, who grew to know Mrs. Christine well. “I always stopped by in the early mornings after class for coffee and a long chat with Mrs. Christine. Her warm smile literally always made my days.
“Every Monday she asked about my family—she met my parents freshman year during parents weekend. If I was worried about a test or just stressed out in general, she would always take my hand and say something tremendously encouraging. Sometimes I would sit with her while she had lunch and we would talk about life. One thing is for sure though, Mrs. Christine adored every single student at Furman.”
Mrs. Christine’s passing leaves a noticeable void in the Furman community.
“Mrs. Christine is a great woman and will be missed,” said Adam Summer, food service director.
The impact she had those around her, however, will clearly remain. Her example of kindness, caring and genuine love will be remembered and treasured by those who knew her.
Reporting and writing were contributed by Alexandra Cross.