Photo courtesy of Furman University
Let’s be honest, attending 32 CLP events in four years is a ridiculous requirement for Furman students. With the struggle of eating food every day and breathing continuously, students simply do not have enough time to attend CLPs in the evenings, as well.
Due to this struggle, students have come up with a way to make it all possible. You’ve heard of the infamous “dine and dash,” but get ready for the new “scan and abandon.”
This technique has been vigorously tested and perfected by Furman seniors who are desperate for CLP credits. As you would imagine, it allows students to “scan in” to a CLP and then “abandon” it before its conclusion to increase overall efficiency.
This process has many different methods and, depending on who you ask, there are some variations. However, the Fake Phone Call and Where’s the Restroom methods are among some of the favorites of current Furman students.
The administration has taken note of the practice and commended students for the “intellect and time management” they depict when performing the “scan and abandon” play. They are certainly impressed with some seniors who have even gone as far as to “scan and abandon” at multiple CLPs in one evening.
In response to the new practice, Furman will ease security at all CLP events and make sure they are held in locations with many exits. This will be done to allow for any students who wish to express themselves in this way to do so.
The long-term goal of this effort is to transition to an educational model where all 32 CLPs are completed by seniors in their last three weeks before graduation. Students are thrilled at the opportunity and cannot wait to showcase their age-old mantra: “Why do something today when you can wait and do it tomorrow?”