Photo by Billy Albert on Unsplash
Finals season is here, and with it, the stress of “cramming” rears its ugly head again. As important as studying may seem, it is vital to take care of yourself during this time! If you are too anxious or stressed, your performance will likely suffer. Here are some easy things you can do to keep calm in the chaos.
Put things into perspective
It might seem as though your exams are the most important thing in the world right now, and sometimes, professors make it seem like that too. Remember the world will keep turning no matter how you do on your exams, and soon you probably won’t even remember the grade you got on that one test. Keeping calm and looking at the big picture can lift some of that weight off your shoulder, and may even help you perform better.
Maintain a routine
It can be tempting to pull all-nighters before exams, but this habit might do more harm than good. According to the Sleep Foundation, “skipping a night of sleep has even been found to impair a person’s speed and reaction times as much as alcohol intoxication does.” So, skip the all-nighter! Instead, make sure to rest, take time to have fun with your friends, eat healthy and stay active. Sticking to your routine as much as possible during stressful times can give you a sense of “normalcy” that could help lower your anxiety levels.
Use healthy coping mechanisms
Try using healthy stress relievers when possible. There are so many ways to calm down and distract yourself, such as visiting therapy dogs from 12-2 at the Trone Center on Study Day, coloring, using Play-Doh or simply taking deep breaths. If you’re able, working out at the PAC can be a great way to relieve stress. The Mayo Clinic states that exercise can improve both physical and emotional reactions to stress, so get those endorphins flowing!
Take care of yourself
As hectic as final exams can be, do not neglect self-care. Whether it is going for a walk, calling your mom or watching your favorite show, engaging in hobbies that you enjoy can lower your stress and keep you feeling positive. Eating well (and enough), as well as spending time with friends, can be beneficial for your mental health.
Reach out for help
Sometimes things can get too difficult to handle on your own, and there is no shame in that! Do not be afraid to ask for help if you are feeling overwhelmed. The Trone Center for Mental Fitness is offering walk-in/same-day counseling appointments, and the crisis line is always available if you are in need.