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Furman University's Student Newspaper

The Paladin

Furman University's Student Newspaper

The Paladin

Furman University's Student Newspaper

The Paladin

Our Policies

Writing for The Paladin

If you are interested in writing an article for The Paladin, please email the appropriate section editor or the Editor-in-Chief. All articles are reviewed by the Section Editor, Editor-in-Chief and Copy Editors. Each writer must get their article idea approved by the appropriate Section Editor first, then make appropriate revisions throughout the draft process. Feedback may include comments on structure, grammar and spelling, argument clarity, factual accuracy and journalistic style and ethics. Word count limits depend on the type and structure of a story for News, Arts, Campus, & Culture, and Sports. We limit our Opinions articles to 800 words, except in cases of sensitive topics that warrant an extended limit of 1000 words. 

Letters to the Editor

Our editorial board encourages open discourse among the Furman community about the work published in The Paladin. Letters to the Editor differ from Opinions articles as they are responses to previously published work. They may reference a specific Opinions article, or comment on The Paladin’s general manner of coverage in any section. They must not exceed 800 words, list 1-3 named individual contributors (no organizations). Letters are lightly edited for spelling and grammar. They may be submitted via this form. 

Corrections and Omissions

In order to ensure accurate reporting and transparency with our readers, we publish a Corrections and Omissions section in each of our print newspaper issues to correct any errors from the previous issue. Online, we will include a note at the top of an article if a correction has been made. Please email the Editor-in-Chief to notify us of any corrections. 


The Paladin rarely uses anonymous sources in order to maintain accountability, except in sensitive cases in which revealing a source’s identity could bring harm upon them. In that case, The Paladin will include an explanation of why anonymity was granted. We do not publish unsigned editorials. 

In addition to the policies outlined above, The Paladin also adheres to the guidelines set by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics.

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